Components of Client Server Application

Components of Client Server Application-:

The server is a multi-user computer. There is no special hardware requirement for creating a server application. It  runs a computer into a server.

Servers for client/server applications work best when they are configured with an operating system that  is supporting for  memory, application isolation, and preemptive multitasking.

The server provides and controls shared access to server resources.

There are three Components of Client Server Application. These are the main components workstations, servers and the network devices that are connecting themselves .

Workstations are the computers these  are subordinate to servers. They send requests to servers to accessing the programs, files and data.

The server requests from workstations  and can perform many functions.. Network devices is a mediator that  providing communication path for servers and workstations. They are connected to each workstation and server.

Characteristics of a client 

  •  Active (master)
  • Sends requests
  • Waits for and receives server replies

Characteristics of a server:

  • Passive (slave)
  • Waits for requests
  • Upon receipt of requests, processes them and then serves replies Servers can be stateless or stateful. A stateless server does not keep any information between requests. A stateful server can remember information between requests.


Server- Servers provide all the application file, database, print, fax, image, data communications, security, systems,audio,videos,entertainment programme and network management services. This  is important to understand that a server is an architectural concept not a physical implementation description.

Servers are Special by different sets of operating systems like Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003, Windows 2008 and Window 10. Server also have higher memory ,high  hard drive space and faster processors because they are store multiple data. Server requests from workstations.

All thing is depends on  server . It may be a file server, a mail server, a database server and domain controller  at the same time. A good  network, however, delineates these roles to different servers to optimise performance.

Server makes for easy management and backup It’s reason is not dependent to individual user configurations, but can be universally and uniformly implemented across the network.

Workstations-: Workstation  or client computers, initially differentiate themselves by the operating systems running them. In a client/server network, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Window 10 are  all examples of workstation operating systems.

Workstation can be applied individually to them. Workstations also have lower technical specifications than servers in the areas of memory, hard drive space and processor speed, because Workstation are not required to process requests or record data from multiple computers.

Workstation  functions and processes are essentially intended for client computers. The databases,security policies and  shared programs management are not part of their operating systems. They have localised versions of databases, programs and policies .

Workstation can be applied individually to them. Workstations also have lower technical specifications than servers in the areas of memory, hard drive space and processor speed, because Workstation are not required to process requests or record data from multiple computers.

Network devices-:  Network devices connected to workstations and servers. They ensure that requests are properly send to workstations are routed properly to the correct server.

Many network devices are available and every one providing different types of network connectivity. In a simple client/server network, a hub can connect a server to multiple workstations. It acts as a repeater, passing on data from one device to another.


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