abstract class in c#

Abstract class in c# -: This is a type of class in c# language.An abstract class provides a partial implementation that other classes can build on. When a class is declared as abstract, it means that the class can contain incomplete members that must be implemented in derived classes, in addition to normal class members. … Read more

namespace in c#

Namespace -: Namespaces provide a way to group related top-level members into a hierarchy. They are also used to avoid naming conflicts. A top-level member, such as a class, that is not included in a namespace is said to belong to the default namespace. It can be moved to another namespace by being enclosed in a … Read more

generics in c#

Generic in c# -: Generics refer to the use of type parameters, which provide a way to design code templates that can operate with different data types. Specifically, it is possible to create generic methods, classes, interfaces, delegates, and events. Generic Methods-:  In the following example, there is a method that swaps two integer arguments. as like … Read more

events in c#

Events In C# -: Events enable an object to notify other objects when something of interest occurs. The object that raises the event is called the publisher and the objects that handle the event are called subscribers. Event Publisher-: To demonstrate the use of events, a publisher will be created first. This will be a class that … Read more

polymorphism in c#

Polymorphism in C#-: Polymorphism is one of the major benefits of inheritance. With polymorphism, the correct function call is decided at run time based on the derived type of a base reference. This is called late binding and is accomplished by casting instances of related types back to a common base class reference. The common … Read more

preprocessor directives in c#

Preprocessor directives in c#-: Preprocessor directives define symbols, undefined symbols, include source code, exclude source code, name sections of source code, and set warning and error conditions. The variety of preprocessor directives is limited compared with C++, and many of the C++ preprocessor directives are not available in C#. There is not a separate preprocessor or … Read more

structure in c#

Structure In C# -:  The struct keyword in C# is used to create value types. A struct is similar to a class in that it represents a structure with mainly field and method members. However, a struct is a value type, whereas a class is a reference type. Therefore, a struct variable directly stores the data … Read more

constant in c# language

Constant In c# Language-:  The constants refer to fixed values.The constant value can not change during the program execution . These fixed values are also called literals. Constants can be of any of the basic data types like an integer constant, a floating constant, a character constant, or a string literal. A variable in C# can … Read more

inheritance in c#

Inheritance in c#-: Inheritance is a “is a kind of” relationship and the cornerstone of object-oriented programming. For example, a rectangle, an ellipse, and a triangle are “a kind of” shape. Without inheritance, we should have to fully and independently implement the rectangle, ellipse, and triangle classes. It is better to extrapolate the common elements … Read more